Why is a balanced nutritious diet required for the overall growth of kids?

What is nutrition? Nutrition is the supply of substances or the food required by the organisms to keep them stay alive and allows the optimum functioning of tissues.In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of utilizing and consuming food. A good intake of food as per the dietary needs of an individual helps you to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The human body requires several major nutrients.Some of these are listed below:

  • Carbohydrates 
  • Lipids 
  • Proteins 
  • Water 
  • Vitamins 
  • Minerals 

Nutrition for kids is based on the same guidelines as for the adults. Everyone needs the similar kind of nutrients and these are enumerated in the nutrition information for kids.Although, Children require different quantities of nutrients at various ages. So, what's the best formula to instigate the overall development of your child?

Always keep yourself up-to-date with the nutrition basics for the young ones at all ages according to the dietary statistics. You should consider the nutrient-dense food for your children which has certain essential nutrients as listed below:

Protein: Go for seafood, eggs, milk, cheese, beans, soy products etc.

Fruits: Encourage your child to increase the intake of fruits and should also consume fresh juices, but make sure fresh juices don't constitute any added sugars.Furthermore, consumption of juices should be in optimum quantity.

Vegetables: Aim to provide your children with a variety of green-leafy vegetables which are enriched with all essential nutrients and minerals such as beans, peas, cabbage, capsicum etc.

Grains: Serve a variety of whole grains such as oatmeal,whole-white bread.Avoid white bread, pasta etc.

Dairy: Encourage your children to consume low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese.

Make sure to limit your child calories from:

Added Sugars: Increase the consumption of naturally occurring sugars such as in fruits and milk.Examples of added sugar include brown sugar, artificial sweeteners, honey etc.

Trans and Saturated Fats: Limit the saturated fats. Look for the ways to replace the saturated fats with vegetable oils which contain fatty acids and omega fiber. Healthier fats are present in nuts, almonds, olives, avocados etc.

Nutrition for kids should be monitored properly to provide proper nourishment to them. It is vital to keep track of child's preferences which will determine his future dietary habits.


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